
Price - Panorama I

10% of FLAT VALUE At the Time of Booking
10% of FLAT VALUEAdvance Installment Within 30 Days of Allotment
10% of FLAT VALUEAdvance Installment Within 60 Days of Allotment
5% of FLAT VALUEAdvance Installment on Start of Excavation of Tower
5% of FLAT VALUE Advance Installment on Start of Basement Roof slab of Tower
5% of FLAT VALUE Advance Installment on Start of 1st Floor slab
5% of FLAT VALUEAdvance Installment on Start of 4th Floor slab
5% of FLAT VALUEAdvance Installment on Start of 7th Floor slab
5% of FLAT VALUEAdvance Installment on Start of 10th Floor slab
5% of FLAT VALUEAdvance Installment on Start of 13th Floor slab
10% of FLAT VALUEAdvance Installment on Completion of Super Structure Framework
5% of FLAT VALUEAdvance Installment on Completion of Masonry Work within the Apartment
5% of FLAT VALUEAdvance Installment on Completion of Internal Plaster within the Apartment
5% of FLAT VALUEAdvance Installment on Start of Tile Work in the Apartment
5% of FLAT VALUEAdvance Installment on Start of Marble Flooring within the Apartment
Club Membership + IFMS       Advance Installment on Start of One Cote Painting & Electrical Fitting within the Apartment
5% of FLAT VALUEAdvance Installment on Final Notice of Possession